Friday, June 26, 2009

UI Help - Very Frusterate....

I have been Unemployed for just over a year
My new year started Week of June 7 2009
I sent all the information as they requested for any short term employment and school and stuff
It has now almost July first 2009 and it is on hold. Since week of june 7th..
As you can imagaine I am very Frustrated ....
I talked to them earlier this week waiting on one employer...
That has been cleared when i called today.(I had meen told and will clear monday)
he mentioned if i was going to school(currently no summer classes) I said not until September.
Do you not get any UI when going to school? ( I took one class in spring 2009)

I also noticed I got an overpayment... for 3 weeks in May and will probable have to pay that back
I am in debt as it is and now they want to take some of the money back ....

any Suggestions or help explained the Situation i am in what would be awsome.
UI State is Minnesota
Thank you Floyd